About Me

- Brianne
- I am a Mommy of three, obsessed with photography, passionate about creating and crazy about my family I love learning and reinventing myself- trying to be the best person/wife/mom that I could be.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Monster Corn Dog Muffins
Made these cute little corn dog muffins for the kids lunch today. Super easy, just mix up your favorite corn muffin recipe, and then pour batter into muffin tin (half full) and cut hot dogs (I use Hebrew National) into segments and place into the batter longways. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. (more or less depending on your oven)
They come out looking like funny mouths, and you can make the faces however you want by decorating with condiments, ect. (:
The eyes are Wilton candy eyes you can get by cupcake decorating section in the store. (:
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Jeffrey's First Day of School!
Summer is over. My little boy starts Pre-K and I am torn between the feelings of sadness and happiness. I loved having him home with me all Summer, but I know how much fun he has there at school so it definitely makes it a little easier knowing that. Here are some photos of his morning before his first day of school:
He called me over from the kitchen (while I was making packing his lunch) and said "Look, Momma!
My milk is smiling at me!"
How sweet is that!? What a great way to start your day (:
His Spiderman Backpack and lunchbox
And below is some chocolate bars for his teacher and the teacher's aide.
Godiva baby (:
His first day of Pre-K pic
He is so darling (:
On the way to school he was so excited and he wore big boy underwear and had no accidents all day!
And here is a picture from my phone after his first day of school with his teacher (:
He had a great day!
Feeling like I am about to pop already!
I am 33 weeks and have been feeling a lot of pressure and just feeling huge lately! (: So just thought to make some fun of myself and ended up with this idea and my hubby helped out. (Thanks, honey for taking the photo for me!) My tripod was fine, but my little clicker that I hold to snap the photos would not work at the right time and it grew to be quite frustrating! Especially when I am trying to take a picture at the right time of blowing a huge bubble. (Not an easy task, I tell you) (;
I cannot wait to hold my baby girl in my arms, and I am counting down the days. I am nervous though, and you would think I was an old pro by now, with this little baby being my third. But I am just as nervous and excited as I was with my first and second. (: I am afraid I will forget all the things to know about taking care of a newborn, but I think it will all come back to me the moment I see her. It is amazing how fast the newborn stage goes by, and I will make sure to treasure every moment.
I wish names were not so hard to decide on! I loved so many names, but Jeff sometimes did not agree.
I think I am 98% sure on the name now, but I may change the middle name. Well, whatever I decide, the name I hope will fit her perfectly.
Come soon, sweet girl! (But not too soon!) Wait until I am 37 weeks to the day, that would be great (; lol
Friday, July 27, 2012
Homemade Dulce de Leche
I am now in my 3rd trimester, and I have been craving Dulce de Leche, so I decided to make some.
Did you know how simple it is to make? Just take a can of sweetened condensed milk, and poke two holes on the top of the can. (This helps release pressure from the can, so it won't explode on you!) (:
Also remove the label from the can, so it won't peel off into the water, not a lovely sight.
Fill up water so can is almost covered, leaving about an inch of the can exposed.
Set on medium high, until water simmers, and then turn it down to medium or medium low where it is still simmering and have it simmer for 3-4 hours. The longer it simmers, the thicker and yummier it becomes!
Here is a cute label I found online that I put on the jar lid of the jar I will be using to store my yummy gooiness in.
When the 3-4 hours are up, use tongs to take can out of water (Don't want to burn your little hands!)
and pour into a bowl. You will see that the bottom has more chunky darker pieces. Just spoon it out into a bowl and whisk until smooth. And that is it!!
And here is the delicious end result in a jar. (:
IT IS A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Birthdays Galore!
Starting to get nervous, August is coming closer and closer! The first 2 weeks of August is very busy for me, I have two birthdays to plan one week apart! Jeffrey will be turning 4 (are you kidding me!? I am going to cry, he is getting so big!) and Lily is turning 2 (SOB! My baby is not really a baby anymore! Please can you both stop growing!?) Yes, it is very emotional for me, but I try to keep busy with planning so I don't get all depressed thinking of how my kids are growing up too fast.
Jeffrey's birthday is first and for his 4th b-day (on the 4th too!) we will be having a Spiderman b-day party. I am so excited to see his face when I have everything set up. He is going to LOVE it. (:
Lily's birthday is the next weekend and she will be having a Minnie Mouse b-day party. I can't wait to decorate and get everything all together for that as well. (:
Here are the invites I made for their parties:
Jeffrey's birthday is first and for his 4th b-day (on the 4th too!) we will be having a Spiderman b-day party. I am so excited to see his face when I have everything set up. He is going to LOVE it. (:
Lily's birthday is the next weekend and she will be having a Minnie Mouse b-day party. I can't wait to decorate and get everything all together for that as well. (:
Here are the invites I made for their parties:
Monday, June 25, 2012
I am feeling good, and so happy! (: Although I have been a lazy butt this pregnancy...and do nothing but eat, sleep, sit around, and play with my kids! lol It is too hot to take a walk everyday, so I have been steadily gaining weight, but since I started out "underweight" I don't mind so much.
Baby girl (A),
I love feeling your kicks and movement! You sure are an energetic little girl, and move all around especially after I eat something sweet! (: Mommy and Daddy cannot wait to hold you in our arms, and Jeffrey and Lily cannot wait to see your sweet little face. Jeffrey understands that you are in my belly and he has to wait patiently for you, while Lily thinks you are my belly button that has started to poke out. (: lol You are growing quite fast now and weighing about 1 pound! Mommy craves everything sweet, and keeps baking something new every few days! (Girl, you are going to make Mommy fat!) lol But it is a good excuse to feel you move and kick so I know you are ok in there. (: My next Dr. appt is July 6th and can't wait to hear your little heartbeat again!
Oh there you go kicking me again! haha
I love you,
Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes
One of my favorite desserts is Pineapple Upside Down Cake (I get the love for that cake from my dad) (:
But I sometimes find it to be a bit dry and I hate that not everyone can get a slice of cake with a cherry as well. But then I came across mini pineapple upside down cakes on Pinterest (I am obsessed!) and had to give it a go! So I made them yesterday while we stayed at home because of a tropical storm in our area.
Rainy days at home sometimes are the best! We had a great day building a huge tent in the living room using sheets and blankets and it kept the kids busy for hours! (: The part of the day was eating these little beauties after a yummy dinner of steak, orzo pasta with parmigiana and basil, baked potatoes, peas and glazed carrots. YUM!
I had to bring some over to my grandma and share because they were so delicious! (Since my dad was not in town to enjoy them!)
Here is the recipe for the cake:
Duncan Hines Pineapple Supreme Cake Mix
1 Small box of vanilla instant pudding mix
4 Eggs
1 Cup of water
1 Cup of pineapple juice
1/2 Cup of vegetable oil
Mix all together in mixer for 2 minutes
Then you need:
1/3 Cup of butter
1/2 Cup of brown sugar
1 Tb of clear corn syrup (not needed, just personal preference!)
Jar of maraschino cherries
1 Can of pineapple tidbits
Coat cupcake/muffin pan with butter.
Melt butter in skillet on medium and then stir in brown sugar in butter and add corn syrup. Stir till well combined and then pour butter/brown sugar mixture into cupcake tins until bottom is covered and then layer in the pineapple pieces and place a cherry in the middle of the pineapples. Pour in just enough cake batter until cherry and pineapple pieces are covered/ (1/3 full)
Bake at 350 degrees for about 18 minutes depending on your oven.
Hope you enjoy! (I SURE DID!!)
Photos from our tent building adventure (:
Here the kids are having fun in their giant tent in the living room (:
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Fathers Day Gift!
For the real life superheros in your life! Show him how special he is with this cute hero box filled with his favorite snacks! (:
Daddy looking at the picture Jeffrey drew for him (:
Daddy's hero juice!
Here is the link, so all you have to do is click and print on adhesive sticker paper! (:
I bought a photo box from Micheal's, and then filled it with IBC root beer, chips, pistachios, beef jerky, Godiva chocolate bar, mints, and Reese's!! (:
I hope my FIL and husband loves their boxes! I gave my dad his box last week because he is out of town for another few weeks or so. (My dad thought it was great!)
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Donut holes with fresh strawberries and bluberries with Blueberry greek yogurt
SO yummy (: (Picture taken with my phone, sorry I am lazy this morning)
I ate 4 of these! Hey, I am pregnant...don't judge me! (;
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Jeffrey's Last Day of School was today! I am about to go and pick him up and it is such a bittersweet feeling! He is getting so big! ): But look how more confident he looks after half a year of school and having such amazing teachers work with him! His speech has gotten so much better, and I am happy to know he will be in Mrs. Davis' class next year as well. I know he will excel and do so well by being with her for another whole year next year. But enough of thinking about him going to school again, that is two months away! I get to have my boy back for the whole summer and we will do so many fun things together! (: Mommy is so proud of you, Jeffrey! You are such a sweet, smart and funny little boy who has stolen my heart from the moment I heard your heartbeat at my first ultrasound when I was pregnant with you. I pray everyday that God gives me the wisdom to raise you to be a wonderful, strong man of God...and I have no doubt you will! (: Mommy and Daddy loves you...xoxo
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Hospital Bag Essentials
Bathrobe - I know many sources say you wouldn't want to wear/ruin anything of your own, but I felt so good changing into my own bathrobe instead of the hospital gown and it did not get ruined a bit!
Socks - Comfy Socks with Grips on the Bottom which turned out to be the best purchase ever for the hospital stay.
Dry Shampoo - In case you aren't able to shower on your own, this would be a lifesaver. I also brought shampoo & conditioner, which I used instead because I was able to shower at about 24 hours after surgery.
Chapstick, Face Wash & Moisturizer
Boppy - for breastfeeding, snuggling & propping up baby. Can't say enough good things about these!
Camera, Phone & Chargers for both - for sharing the news & capturing all of the first precious moments!
Hand Sanitizer - For you & your guests, threw this in the bag last minute and we went through an entire bottle in three days.
Pillows & extra blanket - for the hubs window seat/bed :)
Snacks - Our hospital food rocked, but we also had jello, pudding and all of the stuff to make sandwiches while we were there. Of course hubs had to make a Chipotle run on day three as well.
Nursing Bra & Soothies
Baby Hats! - Was so exciting changing her out of the hospital hat and into her adorable hats I brought, and we got sooo many compliments from the hospital staff on how cute she looked
Going Home Outfit for Baby - something comfy & warm. Also, that is the only outfit she wore during the stay, the rest of the time she was in onesies from the hospital or just a diaper. No need to bring multiple changes of clothes.
Going Home Outfit for You - I recommend anything loose, five times larger than regular size, etc. As I mentioned, I was sooooo swollen from the fluids (not just my belly) and could hardly squeeze into the clothes I brought. I recommend Dance Pants from the Gap (I have so many pair, which I wore for weeks after Harper was born) and a stretchy nursing top... or if it is summer, definitely rock a maxi dress!!
Things that I thought we'd need but ended up getting/using from the hospital included the breast pump, lanolin, bottles, pacifiers, swaddle blankets, onesies, diapers, any feminine products, water cups & towels. No need to pack any of those things.. the hospital should be very accomodating!
And the one last thing I would recommend that we did not bring but it would have been a lifesaver... a plug in night light! All of the hospital room lights are soo bright. At bed time, you still need to be able to see your little one or be able to see to get around, but it is impossible to sleep with the awful room lights on.. or even the bathroom light. So I would bring a small plug in one, you'll be glad you did! :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Super Jeffrey!
My son has become obsessed with Spiderman. He is "Spiderman" all day and fighting bad guys constantly! (And he wants me to play the bad guys so he can shoot me with his spiderweb!) lol
I was planning an Angry Birds birthday for his 4th birthday, but he changed his mind and wanted a Spiderman cake. So...I changed the whole birthday idea to Spiderman/superhero theme. Should be a lot of fun! I have so many ideas now and am excited to plan this party. (: I am going to make capes for all the kids that come over, and so I started today to make Jeffrey's cape and see how it came out.
I am quite proud of myself...and it did not take that much time at all! Here is Jeffrey's superhero cape!
Pretty cool, huh!? (: I also made most of the appliques that I would need to make the other capes for the other kids names. I am gonna have most of this stuff done way before the party which means less stress for me and more time for me to plan Lily's 2nd birthday that would take place a week later! lol YAY ME! (:
Here are the links I used to make the cape and the superhero monogrammed appliques:
I was planning an Angry Birds birthday for his 4th birthday, but he changed his mind and wanted a Spiderman cake. So...I changed the whole birthday idea to Spiderman/superhero theme. Should be a lot of fun! I have so many ideas now and am excited to plan this party. (: I am going to make capes for all the kids that come over, and so I started today to make Jeffrey's cape and see how it came out.
I am quite proud of myself...and it did not take that much time at all! Here is Jeffrey's superhero cape!
Pretty cool, huh!? (: I also made most of the appliques that I would need to make the other capes for the other kids names. I am gonna have most of this stuff done way before the party which means less stress for me and more time for me to plan Lily's 2nd birthday that would take place a week later! lol YAY ME! (:
Here are the links I used to make the cape and the superhero monogrammed appliques:
Monday, April 9, 2012
13 weeks with baby #3
So far I am feeling pretty good. I feel like I am ALWAYS hungry and I swear I think I already feel the baby moving! (It seems too early for that?) But it is my third little peanut, so maybe I am just more sensitive to the movement now. (: This week the fingerprints have formed on the baby's tiny fingertips.
Since the last week or so I have been sleeping better, the few weeks prior I was having trouble with it. ): I assume it has to do with the enlarged thyroid in my neck that the Dr. found at my first prenatal visit. (That and that I have a growing baby inside me!) I am just happy that I can sleep a little better, especially how tired I have been feeling.
We also got our appointment set up for next month to find out the sex of the baby! So excited! Jeff and I will be extremely happy if it is a boy or a girl, since we have one of each already, it really doesn't matter too much to us. We just want a happy and healthy baby. I can't wait to see him/her again on the ultrasound! (And hear the heartbeat again!)
Well, my two other little ones are awake now, but I shall write again soon! (:
Easter 2012
Family Photo before the egg hunt! (Before we got sweaty and dirty!)
Snapshot of Lily before we left for Grandmas in her Easter attire <3
Jeffrey at the egg hunt!
Lily finding an egg in the tree at the egg hunt <3
Friday, April 6, 2012
Number 3 on the way!!!
We couldn't be happier!
I am tired. I am busy. I have my hands full. But good God, I am so content with life right now, it's hard to wipe the grin off my face
Thursday, March 8, 2012
My big boy had his first day of Pre-K!
Jeffrey's first day of Pre-K was this morning. He showed some signs of not wanting to go before we left our place, but Jeff and I assured him he was going to have a great time, and he finally seemed excited again to go. The car ride was pleasant and when we walked him in, he was running and smiling. He ran up to his teacher and she welcomed him, and he went straight in line with the other kids. I didn't even get a hug!! He just walked right into his class with the kids, and didn't even look back. The ride home was gut wrenching for me and I cried like a fool. I hope he has a fun first day! Ah I am crying again, I need to get a hold of myself!!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Banana Split Bites
I love banana splits, but I always feel guilty after eating one, they are HUGE! I ran across this on Pinterest and was intrigued, so I tried making these little bites, and they ARE AMAZING! (:
So for those who love banana splits as much as I do, but do not want the guilt...try this!
- Use firm bananas and cut into 1 inch sections. Leave the peel on for easy handling, and with a melon baller, dig a well in the middle of each banana section.
- Melt chocolate in the microwave and dip the bottom portion of the banana in chocolate and then dip it once again in either non-pareils or chopped peanuts. To quickly harden the chocolate, place dipped bananas in the freezer for five minutes.
- Fill each well with ice cream (I filled mine with vanilla chocolate chip) and top with whip cream and a maraschino cherry.
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Saturday, January 7, 2012
So, I bought myself this necklace for Christmas. Yes, that is right...I bought myself a present, but I really REALLY wanted this, and knew my husband would not have gotten it for me, soooo...I did (:
I love having my kids names hanging around my neck, it just goes so well with the kids literally hanging around my neck all the time (; (And pulling on me, and holding onto my legs when I walk! Ya...fun times!) lol Then the "J" is for Jeff, my loving husband.
Almost everyday I wear this proudly!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Shery K Designs: Free SVG and Printable Minnie Birthday Kit
I am already starting to think about Lily's 2nd birthday party and she is only 17 months old! lol I know I am crazy...but I am thinking Minnie Mouse (: How cute are these printables for her party!?
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