I am now in my 3rd trimester, and I have been craving Dulce de Leche, so I decided to make some.
Did you know how simple it is to make? Just take a can of sweetened condensed milk, and poke two holes on the top of the can. (This helps release pressure from the can, so it won't explode on you!) (:
Also remove the label from the can, so it won't peel off into the water, not a lovely sight.
Fill up water so can is almost covered, leaving about an inch of the can exposed.
Set on medium high, until water simmers, and then turn it down to medium or medium low where it is still simmering and have it simmer for 3-4 hours. The longer it simmers, the thicker and yummier it becomes!
Here is a cute label I found online that I put on the jar lid of the jar I will be using to store my yummy gooiness in.
When the 3-4 hours are up, use tongs to take can out of water (Don't want to burn your little hands!)
and pour into a bowl. You will see that the bottom has more chunky darker pieces. Just spoon it out into a bowl and whisk until smooth. And that is it!!
And here is the delicious end result in a jar. (:
IT IS A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!!!!!!!