To my beautiful, sweet and sassy Lily,
You are now 4 years old and I still remember the day you were born as if it were yesterday.
You came into this world in such a unexpected and amazing way, which was a sure telling of how you would be as you have gotten older. (: You are always making us laugh and bringing joy into our home; we couldn't imagine life or our family without you.
You sure have grown up a lot this past have been leaving behind toddler hood and you are now coming into "kid territory" alongside your big brother. It is pretty scary but exciting all at the same time.
You have become so independent, I find myself asking you if I can get you what you are needing or wanting from the kitchen cupboards or pantry. "Let me do it!" was your main thing you would say this past year, and at first I thought it was pretty nice (less for me to do, yay!) but then I get kind of sad when I realize that you really aren't needing me for so many things anymore. But then something happens where you get scared, hurt or upset and you come running to me to hug you or take care of you, and all is right again in my world. (: Haha. I love your sweet hugs and kisses. The best thing is when you just randomly say, "Mom?" "Yes, Lily?" "I love you." My heart swells bigger than the whole world.
I am so thankful for you and all the little things you do. I love that you will dance anywhere and everywhere.
I love how you will play so nicely with your brother and sister (most of the time!) I love that whenever something you like happens during the day you say, "This is the best day EVER!" (Thanks to Rapunzel from Tangled) (: I love how little you are, but you have such a BIG personality!
I pray that the Lord will bless you and that you will love and follow him all your life. I pray that the Lord protect your innocence and purity always, and that you will always know your worth.
Please always remember that you are a beautiful daughter of THE King, fearfully and wonderfully made. When you feel like you don’t measure up, remember that you are loved beyond measure. When you are fearful, call upon the Lord he will rescue you and bring peace to your mind. Then last but not least, choose to be sweet, kind, gentle, loving, obedient, and respectful...this will get you far in life.
I love you so much, my Silly Lily! Happy 4th Birthday!

About Me

- Brianne
- I am a Mommy of three, obsessed with photography, passionate about creating and crazy about my family I love learning and reinventing myself- trying to be the best person/wife/mom that I could be.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Happy 6th Birthday, Jeffrey!
Happy 6th Birthday to my wonderful, loving and handsome little boy!
I love you more than words can ever express! I remember the day you were born, you were so small and I was so scared!
But that moment I knew my life had changed forever, I am now and forever a "Mom". I couldn't
be more proud of the fact that I was your Mom and you were my little boy, I take that responsibility very seriously!
Every year you grow leaps and bounds and show what an amazing boy God had destined you to be. I know He has such wonderful plans for you, Jeffrey, and you will be an inspiration to others. Your kind and sweet heart is seen by all around you and it makes me teary eyed just
thinking of how sweet it is you are. You are not only the best son I could ever have hoped for, you are one awesome big brother! You are such a good protector for your little sisters, and it makes me so proud when I overhear you teaching them right from wrong in every day situations.
I cannot believe how fast you are growing, it almost just seems not fair. The days feel like minutes...and now look! Before I knew it you are now SIX years old and going into Kindergarten in a few short weeks. You are getting so tall and more grown up every day, but I relish in the fact that you still let me hug and kiss you all I want. I hope that never changes! (:
When you read this when your grown up I want you to remember several things that I deem important.
All things are possible through God.
Always treat others how you want to be treated.
You can't change some bad situations but you can always change how you react to them.
Being angry never changes the person you are mad at, it only consumes you.
Love with all your heart because you never know what tomorrow brings.
And last but not least, when in doubt always pray, and call your mother everyday!
I love you Jeffrey Kenneth SO MUCH!
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