About Me

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I am a Mommy of three, obsessed with photography, passionate about creating and crazy about my family I love learning and reinventing myself- trying to be the best person/wife/mom that I could be.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Amateur Photography

Ya, so I am obsessed with taking pictures. Anyone who knows me, would say the same as well. A friend of mine asked me to take pictures of her daughter for her, and I readily agreed. It is a bit nerve wrecking though when you take pictures for someone else. When I take photos of my kids and family there is no pressure, but when they are for friends...I tend to freak out a bit!!

Some of the photos came out pretty good though!  I think I may need to start charging (; lol Just kidding.  The only reason I would want to charge is the tedious job of editing the photos. Ugh, no fun at all and was up till 1am doing so! Owell, I am happy with them (:

I really can't wait to take similar pictures like this of Lily when she is able to sit up on her own! I almost can't wait for her to grow up, but then I think, "Am I crazy!? I love Lily being this little!" I really am cherishing every moment with my son and daughter. My kids are really growing up way too fast! 

So here is the adorable Faith Leann (: