About Me

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I am a Mommy of three, obsessed with photography, passionate about creating and crazy about my family I love learning and reinventing myself- trying to be the best person/wife/mom that I could be.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jeffrey's First Day of School!

  Summer is over.  My little boy starts Pre-K and I am torn between the feelings of sadness and happiness.  I loved having him home with me all Summer, but I know how much fun he has there at school so it definitely makes it a little easier knowing that.  Here are some photos of his morning before his first day of school:

He called me over from the kitchen (while I was making packing his lunch) and said "Look, Momma! 
My milk is smiling at me!" 
How sweet is that!? What a great way to start your day (:


His Spiderman Backpack and lunchbox
And below is some chocolate bars for his teacher and the teacher's aide.
Godiva baby (:

His first day of Pre-K pic

He is so darling (:
On the way to school he was so excited and he wore big boy underwear and had no accidents all day!

And here is a picture from my phone after his first day of school with his teacher (:
He had a great day!

Feeling like I am about to pop already!

I am 33 weeks and have been feeling a lot of pressure and just feeling huge lately! (: So just thought to make some fun of myself and ended up with this idea and my hubby helped out. (Thanks, honey for taking the photo for me!)  My tripod was fine, but my little clicker that I hold to snap the photos would not work at the right time and it grew to be quite frustrating! Especially when I am trying to take a picture at the right time of blowing a huge bubble. (Not an easy task, I tell you)  (;

I cannot wait to hold my baby girl in my arms, and I am counting down the days. I am nervous though, and you would think I was an old pro by now, with this little baby being my third. But I am just as nervous and excited as I was with my first and second. (: I am afraid I will forget all the things to know about taking care of a newborn, but I think it will all come back to me the moment I see her. It is amazing how fast the newborn stage goes by, and I will make sure to treasure every moment.

I wish names were not so hard to decide on! I loved so many names, but Jeff sometimes did not agree.  
I think I am 98% sure on the name now, but I may change the middle name. Well, whatever I decide, the name I hope will fit her perfectly.

Come soon, sweet girl! (But not too soon!) Wait until I am 37 weeks to the day, that would be great (; lol